“Our mission is to inspire students’ curiosity,
connect them to the wider world,
and give them a sense of what’s possible.”

Image: astronaut selfie

We think that in order to inspire a passion for learning in young minds, we first have to show them what’s possible in the wider world.

This is where we come in. EWCed is a web platform for teachers and students (grades 6-12) that curates innovative and inspirational videos for students from reputable sources. We pair these videos with activities including thought questions for class discussion, and opportunities for further inquiry and creativity.

EWCed is designed to fit into pre-existing lesson plans to enhance the relevance of ordinary schoolwork.

Inspiring lifelong learners…

EWCed is the piece of the puzzle that brings knowledge and inspiration together for students, teachers, and parents all over the world.

At EWCed, we curate video content geared toward learners from 6th to 12th grade. Videos are a great way to get students excited about learning, and we want to make it easier for teachers to use them! Our Touchstones help teachers introduce new concepts and connect the nuts and bolts of learning to the “real” world. The videos we use in our Touchstones are already vetted by our team and advisors. So, you don’t have to worry about the reputation of their creator or the content of the video.

Who we are…

EWCed is the education side of the Goodness Exchange (formerly Ever Widening Circles), a website dedicated to changing the dialogue about our world by pointing people to insights and innovations from around the globe. All without a political, religious, or commercial agenda.

From the beginning, teachers, parents, and educators have been using Ever Widening Circles as a resource for their students. So, we decided to make a place just for them! We love introducing our user to places where they can find inspirational videos for students to help enrich learning.

If you’d like to learn more about us, check out Our Story!